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How To Defeat Ruminating/Overthinking

Writer's picture: mymindfulnesslivingmymindfulnessliving

Do you want to make the rest of your life the best of your life?

What are your future plans?

Why do you always wait for taking action?

These are the most common questions that we seek responses from our mind. Sometimes we are struggling with the process of taking final answers for those questions. Sometimes you might be exhausted after the endless thinking.

Do you know that some people spend most of their time for ruminating and that leads you to feel terrified? Then, they mistakenly define that pressure as stress.

Clinical psychologist Catherine Pittman, an associate professor in the psychology department at Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana says “There are people who have levels of overthinking that are just pathological”.

There are several predominant forms of overthinking, such as...

· Overthinking about mistakes or anticipated inadequate

· Spend excessive amounts of time excruciating over a decision

· Uncontrollable bother about the unknown

· Focusing on worst-case scenarios on everything

The whole thinking system of People who are ruminating ruled by “what ifs” and the more you think, you can't stop it.

Frequent reason for ruminating is the vulnerability of the future and the feeling of what could potentially go wrong.

To stop or defeat ruminating...

· Be aware of your thoughts

As the first step, you have to be aware of your thoughts and acknowledge that you are overthinking.

· Record what you were ruminated

Since you are aware of your thoughts, you can identify when you're stuck in an overthinking, as the second step, write down all the reasons or worries that caused you to ruminate or overthink.

While you are doing this, you will realise that your head becomes clear and light since you don't have to hold all the endless thoughts in your head anymore.

Journalling is one of the effective ways to record your thoughts.

· Create distractions

In here, you can make new hobbies or make new habits, in order to distract you from overthinking. You can take this as an opportunity to pursue your passion too.

Visit my article” How to find your passion”

The point is, when you make yourself busy with a healthy activity, you don't have time to ruminate.

· Cleanse your body as well as your mind

When you feel healthy and fit in your body, most of the worries fly away. You can start exercise, yoga, dancing, swimming or any activity that make you feel strong and healthy.

Moreover, you can cleanse your mind by meditation, listening to music or motivational speeches, painting.

Whenever you aware of you are going to ruminate, you can do such an activity to relax your body and mind.

· Avoid toxic relationships

People around us can be a huge impact on our mental health. If you are surrounded by people who complain all the time on every little thing or people who discuss pessimistic about everything and everyone, automatically you also start to become one of them.


If you are surrounded by people who always see positives in everything, even in bad situations and people who motivate one another all the time, your mind also begins to think like them. When you start to see the positivity, you are not going to ruminate, and you don't have a reason to ruminate.

Ruminating is something you can defeat by yourself once you eliminate negative thoughts from you and start to see positivity in every aspect.

You can visit by the article “How to cut down negative thoughts”

Hope you enjoyed the reading and thank you for joining with me.

What is your distraction for ruminating?

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