Do you feel like 24 hours is not enough for you?
Or else, you missed some works to do because you didn’t have enough time?
No doubt we all have had those words and it is the biggest excuse of some people’s lives.
Have you ever thought that how many hours you work per day (Here I mean engaging actual chores) and how many hours you spend in your smart phone?
I am sure some of us not going to like the answer.
Nowadays, smart phone and internet have become an essential part in our day to day lives. I do not say using them is a bad habit and we must stop using our smart phone and internet. But as we all know the rectification needs to be done in the purpose we use them. Using a smart phone and internet wisely will give a world of opportunities rather using simply for the sake of passing time.
Using the phone just to pass time is an addiction and we call it “nomophobia” (fear of being without a mobile phone) or “Internet addiction disorder”. This addiction is just like any other addictions such as drugs and alcohol, they can trigger the release of the brain chemical dopamine and alter your mood. This addiction can become intense. And when that happens your brain will control you and let you think that time is no longer an important part in your life.
Addiction to smart phone could be a symptom of anxiety, stress, depression, or loneliness
This addiction can cause a variety of impulse-control problems such as…
· Losing your real-life loved ones
Even though the social media is a grate place to connect with new friends, connect with old friends or even find your love, most of the times, those relationships are just for the sake of time passing. But if you spend much time with them or in online gaming, online shopping or simply with your smart phone ,eventually you will disconnect with your real life partners who were and will be there when ever you need them and most of those relationships end with broken hearts and making disappointment on you. Consequence of this will lead to loneliness or depression
· Lower your productivity (Procrastinate)
When you spend more time in your phone you won’t have time to complete your daily task and this could impact to your career growth and may be losing your job. If you are a student, this addiction leads you towards procrastination and will lower exam grades and sometimes you will have to wait at the bottom in the job market because of your low exam grades.
· Leads to Cybersex addiction
Excessive use of Internet pornography, sexting, nude-swapping, or adult messaging services can impact long-term intimate relationships or damage an existing relationship or overall emotional health.
· Increasing stress and anxiety
Studies have shown, heavier a person use his or her phone, the greater the stress and anxiety they experienced.
Common symptoms of smart phone addiction
· Restlessness
· Anger
· Irritability
· Difficult of concentrating
· Forget things
· Sleep problems
· Craving access to your smartphone or other device
If you have one or few of above symptoms, do not worry. You can easily overcome your addiction by following below tips.
Identify the trigger which make you use the phone
The trigger could be loneliness, bored or any other reason. Sometimes, the reason could be you are suffering from depression, anxiety, stress.
Schedule your usage time of smart phone
You can set timer for 5 to 10 minutes to use your phone after completing your chores and make a strong decision to not to use your phone before finishing the task that you started. Once you practice this every day, automatically it become your habit and you will able to reduce the craving of using smart phone.
Set an unplugged hour for the day
Every day you can spend one hour without using phone or internet. You can start new healthy activities such as exercise, going for a walk, share your love with your family and friends. Furthermore, you can separate this hour for reading.
Don’t bring your phone to bed
The blue light emitted by the screens can disrupt your sleep if used within two hours of bedtime.
Those are the things that you can do yourself. But if you need more help, there are specialist treatment centres that offer digital detox programs to help you disconnect from digital media.
You can go through Cognitive-behavioural therapy (provides step-by-step ways to stop the addiction), Marriage or couples counselling, Group support if you need any special help.
Organizations such as Internet Tech Addiction Anonymous (ITAA) and On-Line Gamers Anonymous offer online support and face-to-face meetings to curb excessive technology use.
(According to the article of Authors: Melinda Smith, M.A., Lawrence Robinson, and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D.)
Hope you enjoy the reading and thank you for joining with me…
Do you have an unplugged hour?