We all have goals in our lives. Since our young age, we all have dreamed about different things. If you ask from a kid who he or she wants to become in future, you will get wonderful answers. Some will say that they want to be a doctor, some will say that they want to be a superhero or a singer or a dancer. We also had those kinds of dreams at our young age.
But, how many of us have pursued those dreams? Even though we had many fancy dreams since our childhood, now most of us are in completely different paths from them due to a single or many reasons. Maybe you are still worried about not being able to pursue your childhood ambitions.
Financial barriers could be one of the major obstacles and a reason why we gave up on our childhood goals even though how great and pure they are. This is not something you have to be ashamed of to think about. Do you know money is just a tool we use to obtain our goals? Without any judgement, money is one of the essentials in our life. However, there are many great personalities who have proved that people can acquire their goals without or with less money. Let's say every month, you are receiving 100000 USD. I'm sure the first few months, you will have so many things to do. But after some time that money becomes useless since you don't have anything to do with that much money. This is the starting point of noticing capriciousness of life and unhappiness which leads to depression and other mental imbalance. This simple example demonstrates that money is not everything that we need to live our life happily. Now let's get back to our topic.
You must have already heard of many great personalities who have become pinnacles in their professions but came from unprivileged backgrounds? As per the interview with Barbara Walters, Oprah Winfrey talked about not having running water or electricity growing up. Now she has 2.5 billion USD net worth. In a 2013 interview with the London-based Daily Mail, J.K. Rowling says "I remember 20 years ago not eating so my daughter would eat," she said. "I remember nights when there was literally no money." Today she has 1.2 million USD fortune. There are so many stories of people who started from nothing. The most common thing that we can see in their lives is that none of them gave up on their goals or dreams just because they don't have enough money or a roof on top of their heads or because of other setbacks. That is the most crucial trait that you should build-up. If you have a clear purpose in your life, you have to pursue it. Still, if you can't see a way to go there because of your financial obstacles, there is a trick that you can apply. You can divide your goal into small parts and look at those mini-goals separately. Now you can identify these mini-goals does not just depend on whether you have money but your great effort and dedication. This trick will help you to see that our goals are flexible and can adjust according to our financial status. Another thing is if you want to become successful and yet you are struggling in financial crisis, the best way to vanquish that scarcity mindset is having a strong belief that you can attain your goals. According to the book “The Power of your subconscious mind” by Joseph Murphy, if you wish for something, you have to have a strong faith in your wish. Your faith can manifest what you want. Finally, I would tell you another story about a great successor who defeated financial obstacles.
WhatsApp founder Jan Koum had to sweep floors of a local store in order to survive. But later Facebook bought his company for a staggering 19.3 billion USD’s.
When you are struggling with any financial catastrophe, you have a great ability to face difficult circumstances and you know how to endure when bad things happened. You are mentally and physically stronger than others who are living in a luxury rich bubble. You have vast wisdom that you gained from your own life experiences. Your hunger and thirst will open your eyes to see new opportunities. Now you might wonder what the heck is this? Right?
Yeah, there are rich people and most of them got there by hard work blah blah blah.......
How the hell am I supposed to do all these I can barely pay my phone bill at this time.
Hmm yes.
I understand and been there. Just pause your life movie for a while and rewind all the way back to the beginning until you can remember yourself being present in this world. Now slowly travel back to the present. You might come across a lot of phases in your life where you were suppressed due to poor financial situations from reaching your goals.
Think about the next step that you took on those moments. That's the reason why you are here. Because you were brave enough to take the next step. You kept on grinding. If you want to conquer the island burn the ships.
Keep your back against the wall and start walking and never look back because you’ll only see a wall. If you don't have money to pay your bills, find a way to find money in a genuine manner. Find a job, look for opportunities, talk to people you love and get advice, start a new conversation with good people and get to know better contacts, talk to your heart always, knock it if it’s sleeping and ask what should I do. What's the best thing for me to do.
Get out from bed not to go find money but to thank god and your parents for giving you this wonderful life. Breath in a good amount of air and be thankful to be alive. Help someone at least with kind words and good gesture cross a road because you don't know how many roads will open to you tomorrow.
Believe in yourself than believing in your job because you might lose your job tomorrow.
Remember we were more courageous and ambitious when we start our first walk. We fell but we stood up. There's nothing that can stop us except ourselves.
Pull your self and gather all the strengths together. Connect them with the wisdom you gain from your experience. This can take you a long way until you pursue your goals.
”If there’s a will, there’s a way” -William Hazlitt -
Hope you enjoyed the reading and thank you for joining with me...
What is your secret of overcoming the financial barriers?